Our Return in 2024: December 9th - 13th

A portion of our team will spend time in outlying communities doing health checks, deworming and providing vaccination for the pets that need it the most – while our surgeons will be working at the hospital spaying/neutering and vaccinating a goal of 300 dogs and cats.

To treat these pets in Otavalo, our organization hopes to raise $15,000 to cover necessary surgical procedures and preventive care that local rescues will utilize for the year ahead. 

Our vision is to create a safe and comfortable community where people and animals can live in health and harmony.

Our values are the cornerstone of our passion to help improve the lives of the animals in this little corner of the world. This is achieved through kindness and compassion, patience and expertise. We understand that people, animals and the environment are all interconnected and we rely on our dedication to the betterment of each component to make our projects successful. We respect diversity and cultural differences and operate with a high degree of integrity.

The goal of Dogs of Otavalo is to assist and encourage areas around Otavalo to improve the health standards of the animals in their community. Our group assists by way of bringing volunteers and supplies for ongoing veterinary projects. By developing and supporting continuing education opportunities for Ecuadorian veterinarian professionals as we move to support positive change.

We bring resources, skills, and knowledge to animals in need as we work to decrease the number of preventable diseases and reduce potential populations of unwanted dogs through sterilization. We encourage the respectful treatment of all animals and strive to inspire future generations to become part of the veterinary community.

Through education and modeling, we aim to teach the veterinary community how to practice high-quality anesthesia and pain management.

We offer an avenue for volunteer veterinarians, technicians, students, and other interested volunteers to participate in this important and transformative work.

Our successes from 2023

Our December 2023 Otavalo trip was another huge success! Our team provided free spay/neuter & vaccine services to over 242 cats and dogs at the Sante Clinic, and vaccinations & care to over 200 community pets! 

We cannot thank Zoetis South America enough as they generously donated all of our vaccinations and parasiticides for the dogs and cats.

Our successes from 2022

Our Thanksgiving 2022 Otavalo trip was a huge success! Our team provided free spay and neuter services to over 170 cats and dogs and vaccinations to over 100 community pets. We cannot thank Zoetis South America enough as they generously donated all of our vaccinations and parasiticides for the dogs and cats. We enjoyed having them for the day to document the work we provide and just how much their product support means to programs like this. We could not have provided the level of medical care for the animals that week without their help and we are grateful for their assistance.

While our program is focused on public education and community assistance, once in a while we have to go above and beyond our calling for a few rare cases and import an animal to the USA for advanced medical help. One of which captured the hearts of the entire team. 

A Dog Named Otto

Meet Otto! We didn’t find him, he found us after a long day at the clinic while we headed for dinner. Alone, cold and tired on the outside steps of the restaurant, he was just wanting a place to rest and for someone to perhaps offer him some food and a bit of kindness. Not only was he skin and bones, he had large cuts and abrasions along his head and back. Some of these wounds were older and some of the newer ones were infected. Clearly he experienced some situations he didn’t want to tell us about. 

The medical assistance program was able to provide the medical care for his outer wounds that we could see, but he also was emotionally distressed and needed behavior modification. After all of the exterior wounds were healed, it was time to head to the USA to help him realize not all people are bad and there is a place for him in a home. He currently resides with Azi who helped him relearn how to behave like a gentleman and was welcomed into her animal pack in Northern Virginia until that right person comes along to adopt him. 

CHASE donates funds to Sante to buy a digital X-ray for their hospital. 

“I like to express my deepest gratitude to the Chase Organization for the incredible generosity you have shown towards Sante Animal Hospital. Your recent donation of funds has allowed us to purchase our very first digital X-ray machine, marking a significant milestone for our facility.

With the acquisition of this state-of-the-art equipment, we can now offer on-the-spot digital X-ray services, enhancing our ability to provide swift and accurate diagnoses. This means that we can promptly identify and address medical conditions, leading to faster recovery times and improved outcomes for our furry friends.”  Dr. Marcela